
By writing a review you can share your experiences about the artist with the Gigstarter community. If you hire an artist via Gigstarter, you will automatically receive a review request a few days after the performance. In some cases, artists can also approach former bookers for a review request.

It is very valuable for artists if you leave a review. Reviews make it easier for prospective bookers to make a choice for an artist, and with good reviews an artist appears higher in the search results.

We praise our reviews for their reliability. On Gigstarter, you will only find reviews from parties who have actually booked artists. Therefore, all reviews are written by independent parties, and you can trust that they reflect the truth.

Not just anyone can leave a review on Gigstarter: to guarantee the independence of our reviews, only people who have verifiably booked an artist can write a review. If you have booked an artist via Gigstarter, you will automatically receive a review request after a few days.