How do bookers contact me?

Gigstarter brings together the supply and demand of artists with bookers without having to pay any commission. Any musician can register and create a free profile on the platform. The booker that organizes an event can contact and book DJ's and bands through Gigstarter. Bookers can get in touch with the artist through two different channels.

1.- Private Message

On the profile of the musicians there is a red button that indicates 'check availability'.

Vincent O'brien

Through this button the booker can directly contact the artist and make a request for an offer. This is a free service that we offer to bookers and musicians. It is a process in which we facilitate the booking of artists. The booker gets direct and personal contact with the desired artist by clicking on the red button and filling in the form that appears.


And the artist can reply completely free of charge to the booker's messages. When a booking is reached the musician does not have to pay any additional commission or fee.

The artist receives an email when the booker makes use of the personal message. Click on the link of the email and you can specify all the details with the booker through the chat that appears. Once you have reached an agreement with the booker it is very important that you make a confirmation. When you create a confirmation, the booker can write a review about you and once the confirmation is accepted by the booker It will be a verified booking.

With verified bookings and reviews you raise in the ranking of Gigstarter. When you go up in the ranking you create more possibility of getting personal messages.

Click on the following links for more information about reviews and confirmations:
How to send a confirmation?
How to get reviews?

2.- Open Call

The open call is a process in which we facilitate the booking of artists to quickly find what bookers want for their event.

On the main page of Gigstarter a red button appears that says 'Place a call'.


When bookers click on this button, a form appears.


This form is filled in and sent to Gigstarter. The requests arrive at Gigstarter and Gigstarter selects artists from their database according to the desired style of the booker. The selected artists can fill in their availability for the event. The booker only sees the message of those artists who are PRO and are available. Of all the available artists, the booker chooses an artist for their event. Keep in mind that an open call should be seen as a kind of bulletin board for gigs. So this service is something different from when a booker directly sends you a personal message through the profile of the artist in Gigstarter. With an open call, the booker evaluates the availability of multiple artists.

The open call is a way for artists to get more gigs; therefore, only the PRO artists who want to have more gigs can reply to an open call. The open call is not the same as receiving a personal message through your profile. To receive personal messages, you do not need to be PRO artist and you do not pay any commission when they book you through Gigstarter. No commission is paid when you are booked through the open call.

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PRO Subscription

To get 3 months the PRO subscription for free you can use the personal reference link. For more information about this click on the following button.

Reference link

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